The Social Perspective Journal <p>The Social Perspective Journal is a multidisciplinary international scientific journal with open access. The Social Perspective Journal goal is to disseminate current and original articles from researchers, observers, practitioners, decision-makers, lecturers, and students about problems in the fields of education, politics, culture, language, management, accounting, administration, government, humanities, communication, social welfare, law, social religion, and other social sciences</p> Bali Educational Network Foundation en-US The Social Perspective Journal 2807-856X THE ROLE OF INTERNAL COMMUNICATION AUDIT IN SUPPORTING THE SUCCESS OF MERGER OF PROCESSES AND CHANGE MANAGEMENT <p><em>The merger process in a company is often faced with complex internal communication challenges, especially in supporting change management. This study aims to analyze the role of internal communication audits in supporting the success of the merger process and organizational transformation. Using a literature approach and case studies, this study evaluates the effectiveness of internal communication, identifies communication barriers that arise, and provides recommendations for communication strategies based on audit results. The results of the study indicate that internal communication audits are able to map communication needs, identify information gaps, and formulate appropriate strategies to increase employee engagement. In addition, this audit helps build trust between management and employees through transparent and consistent communication. Thus, internal communication audits become an effective tool for managing organizational change, reducing resistance, and ensuring the success of merger implementation. This study provides theoretical contributions in the field of organizational communication and offers practical guidance for companies that are facing the merger process. The recommendations from this study are expected to be used to improve the quality of internal communication and support sustainable organizational transformation.</em></p> Jamal Ismail Setiyo Hayati Yusran Effendi Isti Budhi Setiawati LM Novrianto Copyright (c) 2025 The Social Perspective Journal 2025-02-20 2025-02-20 4 1 10.53947/tspj.v4i1.913 AN ASSESSMENT OF THE EFFICACY OF SOCIAL SECURITY MEASURES IN SAFEGUARDING INDONESIAN MIGRANT WORKERS OVERSEAS <p><em>Indonesian migrant workers (Pekerja Migran Indonesia-PMI) frequently encounter a multitude of issues and hazards, including substandard working conditions, withheld remuneration, and instances of abuse and exploitation throughout their employment overseas. To address this issue, the Indonesian government has adopted a range of social security initiatives aimed at safeguarding PMI. Nevertheless, the number of instances seen by PMI consistently rises each year, and the challenges confronted by Indonesian Migrant Workers surpass the extent of protection provided by this social security system. The objective of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of the Social Security program in offering safeguarding for individuals with pre-existing medical conditions (PMI). The research methodology entails a comprehensive review of existing literature and analysis of secondary data from official reports and statistics provided by relevant institutions. The research findings indicate that government-provided social security programs, such as health and employment insurance, have effectively enhanced the level of protection for PMI. Nevertheless, this program has various impediments that impede its efficacy, including insufficient outreach, intricate management, and restricted program coverage. The research findings suggest that enhancing collaboration between governmental and private entities is necessary to strengthen the safeguarding of PMI, expand the dissemination of information and education regarding social security programs for PMI, streamline administrative procedures, and foster greater cooperation among relevant stakeholders.</em></p> Lela Nurlaela Wati Yunus Riansyah Copyright (c) 2024 The Social Perspective Journal 2024-02-20 2024-02-20 4 1 10.53947/tspj.v3i1.810 TRENDS IN STUNTING PREVALENCE REDUCTION <p><em>This study employs a qualitative approach through purposive documents and literature reviews to analyze the trends in stunting prevalence reduction in Indonesia. With a specific focus on achieving the targeted 14% prevalence reduction by 2024, the research explores the current trajectory, underlying conditions, and challenges influencing this critical public health goal.</em></p> <p><em>Our findings indicate a promising trend toward the envisioned 14% reduction in stunting prevalence by the specified year. However, the analysis also reveals a nuanced landscape characterized by various conditions and challenges that could potentially impede the realization of this target. Through a meticulous examination of available data, this study sheds light on the multifaceted factors affecting the trajectory, providing valuable insights for policymakers, practitioners, and researchers engaged in addressing malnutrition issues in Indonesia.</em></p> <p><em>As the nation strives to overcome the complexities surrounding stunting, the outcomes of this research contribute to a nuanced understanding of the ongoing efforts, offering crucial considerations for the refinement and implementation of targeted interventions to ensure sustainable progress toward the 2024 goal</em></p> Bambang Soetono Ade Siti Barokah Copyright (c) 2024 The Social Perspective Journal 2024-02-20 2024-02-20 4 1 10.53947/tspj.v3i1.795 EXAMINING THE IMPLEMENTATION OF LAW NO. 8/2016 AND LAW NO. 7/2017 <p><em>Despite the progressive legislative framework established by Law No. 8 of 2016 and Law No. 7 of 2017, significant issues regarding the accessibility and participation of persons with disabilities persisted, notably their exclusion from the Permanent Voter List (DPT). Using a qualitative approach, this paper examines the implementation of these laws, focusing on whether they effectively ensured equal electoral participation rights for persons with disabilities and removed barriers to their participation, and to provide insights and identify areas for improvement</em></p> Ade Siti Barokah Bambang Soetono Copyright (c) 2024 The Social Perspective Journal 2024-02-20 2024-02-20 4 1 10.53947/tspj.v3i1.794 PREVENTION OF CHILDREN'S SNACKING HABITS THROUGH THE IMPLEMENTATION OF FINANCIAL LITERACY IN EARLY AGE CHILDREN <p><em>This study aims to describe the application of Financial Literacy to prevent snacking habits in early childhood which was carried out in Group B Kindergarten Pembina Kanantang District. East Sumba, NTT. Using qualitative descriptive research methods through literature study. Data collection was carried out by reading, recording and analyzing the results of previous research. The results of the study showed that there were changes that occurred in children after learning about financial literacy and children slowly but surely implemented a pattern of preventing snack habits at home and at school</em></p> Yufi Fisalma Yudith Nida Nura Lele Isyfan Rizqi Wahyunanda Anita Damayanti Copyright (c) 2024 The Social Perspective Journal 2024-02-20 2024-02-20 4 1 10.53947/tspj.v3i1.761