Announcement of Mail Server Disruption by Bali Education Network


Dear Researchers, Partners, and Loyal Readers of the Journal of Perspective and The Social Perspective Journal,

We want to inform you that the Bali Education Network has experienced a serious disruption in our mail server due to a virus attack. As a result of this incident, all emails received before July 30, 2024, cannot be recovered and have been lost from our system.

However, we assure you that other important data, such as published manuscripts, uploaded manuscripts, reviews, copyediting and production data, are safe and not deleted.

As a preventive time measure and to enhance security, we have migrated our mail server to a dedicated server managed by another trusted vendor. We hope this step will prevent similar incidents in the future.

On behalf of the editorial team and the Bali Education Network Foundation, we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused by this incident. We are committed to continually improving our services and ensuring the security of your data.

For further information or assistance regarding this incident, please do not hesitate to contact us through our new email address or the contact form on our website.

Thank you for your understanding and support.


The Editorial Team and Foundation of the Bali Education Network