
  • Dwi Murdiati University of Jakarta
  • Mohammad Adila Rossa University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta




Knowledge, Philosophy, Philosophy of Knowledge


Like other branches of philosophy, there are also main problems in the philosophy of science: the characteristics. The characteristic problem ought to be solved to its fundamental nature, making it different from other branches of philosophy. Problems in the philosophy of science include, among others, the understanding of the basic concept and science, each of which has its own identity. Knowledge problems include, among others, the understanding of knowledge, sources of knowledge, the level of knowledge, the structure of knowledge, as well as the truth and error of knowledge. The problems in the philosophy of science are as complex as any other branch of philosophy. However, it is highly demanded that those who study the science problem cannot simply detach themselves from the philosophy of knowledge and metaphysics. Therefore, those who desire to study philosophy of science should approach these two branches of philosophy in the first place.

Author Biographies

Dwi Murdiati, University of Jakarta

Faculty of Law

Mohammad Adila Rossa, University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta

Faculty of Economics and Business


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How to Cite

Murdiati, D., & Rossa, M. A. . (2022). DIFFERENCE BETWEEN KNOWLEDGE AND SCIENCE . The Social Perspective Journal, 1(3), 218–227. https://doi.org/10.53947/tspj.v1i3.269