A Scientific Study with an Approach to Hermeneutic Phenomenology
Reason (Mind) According to the Qur'an and Astronomers
philosophy of mind, metaphysics, human reason, brain, noun, astronomerAbstract
This study aims to find out how to understand reason with a noun approach. In all literature, the notion of reason is understood by verbs and adjectives. Therefore, the extent of the proper understanding of reason never grows. The research method used is a systematic literature review and hermeneutic phenomenology study. Both methods help find, review, evaluate, and interpret all research related to the phenomenon. The study found that astronomers explain reason based on the context of nouns, but all scientists today researching the brain as nouns, verbs, and adjectives, continue to enrich the concept of the brain. However, only some of the scientists of this finding examined reason in the context of nouns. Interestingly, Al-Qur'an explains the word sense in fourteen verses (adjective/attributes), the word thinks in fifty-seven verses (verb), and the word reason in fourteen verses (noun), while no verse describes the brain. The study of reason as a noun is necessary because people will examine and think about the relationship of the inner mind with the Creator. In contrast, the study of the brain is a study that connects the outer mind with the world.
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