government policy, rail transportation, mitigation policies, accidents, potential risksAbstract
The potential for accident disasters in rail transportation modes needs to be addressed through improvements in safety management policies, preparedness, and emergency response when an accident occurs. By carrying out disaster management for train accidents and looking at various facts that cause accidents, potential risks and operational actions that need to be taken when a disaster occurs will be imposed. In this study, we will look in more detail at policymakers' responses in compiling regulations, operational standards, risk assessments, and implementation of these policies to act on the fatality rate of accident victims due to accidents. This research will focus on contextual contributions and empirical policy implementation in handling, preparedness, and emergency response in dealing with potential disaster accidents on rail transportation modes. This study uses a qualitative and descriptive approach by taking information from studies, news, web channels, and regulations from the Department of Transportation, especially in this case, PT. KAI and PT. MRT. The results of the study show that train accidents are caused by many things, such as natural disasters, human error, weak railway infrastructure support, negligence at level crossings, vandalism and suicide, weak disaster prevention, passive and active disaster management, emergency management, and weak cross-collaboration, institutions in dealing with accidents on trains, including the still weak competence of train public transport operators.
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